"One less thing to worry about."
Winc is here to serve these young professionals, as an accessible*, affordable, and simple option that makes their wine shopping one less thing to worry about. Because let's face it, with everything else there is to worry about, you could go for a glass (or bottle) of wine.
*Accessible to those living in the US. (As a Canadian, I'm sad too).
With lockdown in full effect across the globe, print ads will be targeted in your essential locations: grocery shopping, public transit for those unable to WFH, and on the street during your socially-distant, but very necessary, walk to get out of the house.
Given that Winc is an internet-based company, their internet-savvy customers need to be lured in the right way: memes. and free stuff.
So why not combine both?
Using both Twitter and Instagram as the contest platforms, Winc will get their customers to submit their own worry list for a chance to win a free month's subscription: a box of 4 hand-selected bottles of wine based on their preferences and results in a personal questionnaire. The funniest and most relatable to both Millennials & Gen Z submission wins.
CW: Jackson Borman
AD: Olivia Di Fiore